How do Periods and Menopause Impact Women's Sleep?
Let’s understand more about the same.
What is menopause or perimenopause?
Menopause or perimenopause is a stage where a women’s menstrual cycle comes to an end. It also indicates the end of the reproductive years. Usually, women after the age of 40 experiences menopause. Vaginal dryness, missed periods, hair loss, weight gain, and sore breasts are some of the symptoms of menopause.
What are the symptoms of menopause or perimenopause?
Around 35% of women have sleeping disorders. Here are the following symptoms of menopause:
1. Hot flashes
It is one of the most common menopause symptoms. There is sudden warming of the body accompanied by flushing, adrenaline, and sweating. When this happens at night, it causes hot night flashes and often disrupts the sleeping pattern.
2. Insomnia
Insomnia is another standard part of menopause in women. Women experience irregular sleeping patterns, and these insomnia symptoms are often associated with menopause.
3. Periods irregularity
One of the best sign that you are suffering from menopause is fewer periods which are often lighter and doesn’t last long.
It isn’t easy to guess when your next periods will occur and how long they will last when you are in perimenopause.
4. Night sweat
Hot flashes can make your body feel warm and hot, resulting in night sweats during sleep. They can be intensive to wake you up from sleep. They can be mild or severe and last for 1 to 5 minutes.
Tips for better sleep during menopause or perimenopause
Here are Some quick ways to sleep better during your periods and menopause or perimenopause. We know that it is quite challenging to cope up with the changes going on in your body. So the least we can do is help you with some tips and techniques to help you cope with your menopause better.

Here you go;
1) Try to keep your bedroom cool and avoid heavy pajamas and blankets.
2) Wear something comfortable and lightweight to feel better.
3) Avoid the use of caffeine, alcohol, or other different kinds of liquids that impact your sleeping pattern.
6) Work out regularly. Try to do yoga and other physical exercises.
7) If you face many problems performing your daily activities and sleeping, search your doctor and tell them how you feel.
8) Try to take help from a sleep therapist.
9) Try to reinforce your sleeping schedule.
10) Try to lower down your body temperature as it helps you in getting good sleep.
Yes, during menopause, your sleeping quality may suffer, but you need to understand that there are a lot of changes going on in your body, and these changes might impact you in one way or another. So, try to improve your sleep, eat healthily, and everything will get better.
Read Also: Why do women have periods?
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