How to live for the moment
“Do karma and just live in today as there was no past and there will be no future… this is the only moment live it rest is scrap” — Shalu Prajesh
“The secret of mind and body is not to regret the past or anticipate difficulties, but to live honestly in the present moment.”

How to live for the moment? One of the best, unexpected results of simplifying our lives is that it has allowed us to start living our lives in the present moment.
Eliminating non-essential things frees us from many of the emotions associated with past lives that have stuck to us. And cleaning our home has given us the freedom to shape our lives around our most important values today.
Living in the present moment means not worrying about what happened in the past and not being afraid of what is going to happen in the future. It means only living for today.
Choosing to live in the past or the future not only deprives you of the joy you are today, but it also deprives you of actually living. The only key moment in the present moment.
Top 10 Best Reasons to live in the moment and stop planning too much
1. The future is not in your control
The moment you experience now is the only moment you can control. You cannot control what will occur in a year’s time, let alone what will occur in the next one min. By living in the present you stop trying to predict what might or might not happen in the future and instead focus on what is happening in the here and now.

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”― Dalai Lama,
2. Only in the present moment can you find peace
By applying to always live in the moment, you will reduce a lot of anxiety and stress caused by thinking about the past or the future. Being present will help you feel a lot calmer and at peace because it is like a form of meditation, and energy like meditation creates a calmer, more peaceful mind.
“If you are depressed you are living in the past, If you are anxious you are living in the future and If you are at peace you are living in the present.”― Lao Tzu
3. You Take it One Moment at a Time
Life only unfolds in moments, so the most excellent way to handle things that come your way is to tackle one thing at a time. Constantly trying to solve your whole life at once creates unnecessary worry and only distracts you from the problem. One cannot deal with the past or the future because they both exist only as thoughts, so it is more beneficial to focus your time and energy on every moment.
“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.”
4. You’ll start giving up on what you think your life should be
With no hope for the future, you won’t be disappointed by what happens. Instead, you will approach life with an open mind and all that good will be a pleasant surprise. Also, you will never be disappointed if things don’t go well because you never allowed yourself to worry about the future and the expectations of how your life should be.
By being present, you stop comparing how your life used to be or how it could be because you live life as it is.
“At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening.”
5. You stop waiting
We dream about the future and when things will be better when we will have better health, more money, a better job, happy life, etc. We believe that the most important moment is yet to come, yet the only moment is now. This is the ideal opportunity to appreciate life.
“Relationships End Too Soon Because People Stop Putting The Same Effort To Keep You As They Did To Win You. Relationships end too soon because people stop putting the same effort to keep you as they did to win you.”
6. You become grateful for every moment
Living in the present means stopping taking moments lightly and recognizing that you should enjoy life. Think about how you would treat your family, your coworkers, and even strangers. Mentally make a list of all the things you will do; The people you’ll call and the moments you’ll savor.
Think how productive and excited you will be to live every moment to the maximum. You will start focusing on all the meaningful things in your life, and stop wasting your time on the trivial things that are dragging you down in life.
“You don’t get the same moment twice in life.”
7. You will make better choices
You are able to assess the situation more clearly when making decisions because your mind can focus solely on the problem as it unfolds. It also means that you are more likely to remain calm when making decisions, which means that the decision will be rational and thought through.
8. Living in the Present Will Make You Happier
By being present, you will be able to enjoy everything you do because you will be more aware of experiences as they are happening and this will make you appreciate them and be happier. Together. Even the most mundane tasks like household chores begin to become therapeutic when you can fully connect with your senses.
You become grateful for the little things in life and find that beautiful sunset or a clean sheet is all that is needed to make you happy.

9. You Learn to Make the Present Your Friend
When you stumble into an undesirable situation that you can’t change, all you can do is learn to accept it and focus on the only thing you can control. The present moment is all we have, so we can try to work with it instead of doing the opposite.
Make an active effort to do everything possible to make the position as comfortable as possible.
“Welcome the present moment as if you had invited it. It is all we ever have so we might as well work with it rather than struggling against it. We might as well make it our friend and teacher rather than our enemy.”― Pema Chödrön
10. The future does not exist
Yesterday did not happen, yesterday is not real. All that is real is now. This moment right here is the only moment that really matters.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”
Read Also: How to Change Yourself and Live the Life You Deserve
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