How to Better Prepare Yourself Mentally for the Life After COVID-19
How to Better Prepare Yourself Mentally for the Life After COVID-19? How unpredictable is our life really? In the past year, as we know, life has snowballed into the unpredictable, uncertain and unimaginable chaos of today. A lot has changed for people from all walks of life since March 2020, and with the increase in cases and deaths skyrocketing daily in India’s second wave, it seems we have a long fight in front of us It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine life after COVID-19.

Here are some ways in which we can mentally prepare ourselves better for life after COVID-19.
1. Acceptance of the New Reality
First, we all need to mourn the loss of life as we knew it and buried our dreams of what we had planned for the next few years. We need to face a new reality and accept it completely. Complete acceptance requires letting go of thoughts like “what if,” “I want to,” “if only,” “it should be,” or “should be.”
We need to accept our new reality as it is — a reality full of uncertainty, fear of transition, and an unclear future. Many of us think of acceptance as an act of the meek, the passive, and the weak, but it’s the exact opposite. Acceptance requires tremendous courage to face the harsh realities of the present circumstances.
2. Process It, Don’t Numb It
We all love running away from our emotions. We like to ignore, ignore, ignore, or numb emotions because, honestly, we don’t know how to deal with them.
Today, we’re dealing with a tsunami of emotions, and we don’t know where to start. How does one work during the pile without collapse under the weight of all these emotions?
And so we look on the other side. We pretend these feelings don’t exist. We watch Netflix, or worse, turn to alcohol and drugs to ease the pain. But it doesn’t solve it. It is only temporarily forgotten as the waves crash and go back into the ocean. But the waves return, and so will these feelings, and they will come back with more strength than ever.
So, don’t ignore it, process it. Offer what you’re feeling to loved ones who can give a non-critical ear. If not, contact emotional well-being helplines, instructors, and advisors to help you measure the sentiments and facilitate the torment.
3. Seek and Provide Emotional Support
Do be sure to check how your loved ones are doing. “How are you?” Go a few steps ahead. To really know if they are doing fine. Ask them how their mental health is at the moment. Are they sleeping well? How are they coping with uncertainty and fear?
If they open up to you, hold the spot and give an ear to listen without judgment. Try not to rush to share your accounts or offer spontaneous exhortation. Let them know that you are there for them and it is okay to seek professional help if they cannot cope.
However, keep in mind that this is not a one-direction street. When you make yourself available for your loved ones, make sure you seek help and support when you need it. Don’t try to be a great savior by neglecting your needs.
4. Stay Connected with Your Tribe
I confidently believe in the power of the communal. Whatever your tribe — whether it’s a subset of work colleagues, an art class gang, workout buddies, fellow entrepreneurs in a networking group, or extended family of friends and cousins — the collective Get support and support from the side and find some solace during these times.
It’s a great relief to know you’re not alone, especially when we’re cut off from the people we love and are prohibited from doing the things we love.
At least take advantage of technology to keep the conversation going. Zoom Sessions to the rescue! Whether it’s creating art together or coming online to break a sweat and burn those calories, be sure to stay connected with your tribe, especially as you envision life after COVID-19.
5. Take Time to Create Happy Moments
While the fight against the virus may seem hopeless, it is necessary to develop practices that bring us joy-whether it is meditation in the dark and calm before sunrise, having a cup of coffee on the balcony, engaging thoughts and feelings, completing a crossword. Puzzle, Shit’s Creek or Office Watch Party, FaceTime video calls with family, or weekend Zoom game nights with friends.
Indulge in activities beyond the continuous COVID talk that give you moments of joy even in this time of crisis. It may be the little things, but they can help you maintain your sanity and restore your composure.
Is It All a Loss?
We stand to lose everything as we defend humanity against this deadly virus. Many of us will mourn the loss of loved ones and try to fill a void that can never be filled, and almost all of us will leave a part behind because life will never be the same again.
As the saying goes, “No man steps twice in the same river, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.”
But it’s not all bad.
The final thought
I firmly believe that the pandemic will also be a time of awakening, where we finally open our eyes to what really matters as we long for life after COVID-19.
maybe, once the pandemic is behind us, we will find more joy in everyday things that we took lightly. Morning rushes to get kids ready for school, going to work, boring office parties, chatting to the water cooler, and weekends.
We would probably be more grateful for the freedom to hang out with friends, visit our parents, or go on vacation. We will be more present and make enduring recollections from straightforward birthday festivities with companions to our huge Indian weddings.. We will love more, laugh more, and love more.
Read Also: How to Relax Quickly When You are Addicted to Work
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