Is Black Fungus Increasing Wearing Mask Without Washing? Health experts said this
Is Black Fungus Increasing Wearing Mask Without Washing? Black Fungus cases are continuously increasing in many patients who are suffering from the Corona epidemic in Delhi. Do the increasing cases of black fungus have any relation to the cleaning of masks? There have been differences in health experts on this.
The disease developed by wearing dirty masks
Many medical experts believe that a problem like Black Fungus can occur if a clean mask is not used and stays in less ventilated rooms. At the same time, some experts say that there is no clinical evidence to prove these things. Therefore, these things cannot be trusted much.
Doctors of several major hospitals in Delhi said that many patients have been admitted to them. There are both ordinary patients and corona patients. Many of these patients were infected with Mucormycosis or black fungus. During the investigation, it was found that he used to wear a used mask for a long time without washing. Due to this, he got this problem.
‘Improper use of steroid’
Dr. Suresh Singh Naruka, the ENT specialist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, says that the main reason for Black Fungus is ‘improper use of steroid’.
He said, ‘The second thing is that I hold the responsibility of wearing such masks for a long time without washing the masks or living in less ventilated rooms like the basement. So I would say that the second thing can also be a reason for causing mucormycosis. ‘
Dr. Ajay Swaroop, President of the ENT Department of Sir Gangaram Hospital said that our body contains mucors in the nasal passages and in the nasopharyngeal region as a symbol.
Do not go to the hospital in a hurry
He said, “When a person’s immunity decreases, as in the case of Kovid, then this mucus begins to grow and cause infection. It has symptoms like bleeding from the nose and swelling in the eyes. ”However, he advised that people should not rush to hospitals and consult a doctor.

How patients become victims of black fungus
Experts say that the Black Fungus or Mucormycosis disease is caused by the fungus called micromycetes. This fungus is found in our environments like air, humidity, soil, wet wood and damp rooms, etc. This fungus does not harm healthy people, but people whose immunity is weak, are at risk of infection from this fungus.
Corona patients threatened with black fungus
In many Corona patients, her immunity becomes her enemy and she starts hyper-destroying the cells of the body. In such a situation, doctors give immunity-reducing drugs or steroids to the patient. This is the reason why the risk of Black Fungus in Corona patients has increased. Apart from this, immunity is also weak in patients with diabetes and cancer, which also makes them more at risk of black fungus.
Damage to eyes and brain
Mucormycosis or Black Fungus can enter the patient’s body and damage his eyes and brain. It can also harm the skin. This is the reason that there are reports of black fungus patients going into the eyesight and spreading jaw or nose infections. Many people are also facing the need to be removed from the operation. In many cases, it can also take the life of a patient.
These are the symptoms: Talking about the symptoms of Black Fungus, it can cause pain or numbness in one side of the patient. Apart from this, pain in the eyes, blurred vision, or lightening of the eyes are also symptoms of its infection. Brown or black discharge from the nose and black spots on the face, fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting can also be a problem
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